
Senin, 29 April 2013

Legenda Bahasa Inggris

Legenda Bahasa Inggris adalah cerita yang mengisahkan asal-usul terjadinya sesuatu, Legenda Bahasa Inggris merupakan kisah nyata yang keasliannya turun-temurung sampai masa sekarang, namun sebagian dari Legenda Bahasa Inggris ini sumber aslinya tidak jelas maka sebagian dari Legenda Bahasa Inggris tersebut dikategorikan menjadi kisah fiktif alias khayalan semata.
Ada juga Legenda Bahasa Inggris memang benar-benar fiktif yang sifatnya untuk menghibur pembacanya saja atau memberikan nilai-nilai moral dalam Legenda Bahasa Inggris itu.
Orang Biasanya mencari Legenda Bahasa Inggris untuk mengerjakan atau menyelesaikan tugasnya ynag diberikan oleh guru di sekolah untuk mencari Legenda Bahasa Inggris terntentu. Ada juga yang penasaran dengan asal-usul sesuatu yang membuatnya mencari Legenda Bahasa Inggrisnya.
Untuk kamu yang mencari Legenda Bahasa Inggris, semoga contoh-contoh Legenda Bahasa Inggris berikut yang penulis ambil dari Englishstory12 bisa membantu

The legend of coconut tree

Long ago a fairy called Batu Sumang Buyung was bathing in a river. Along came a magician called Bayang. Bayang was a clever and wicked magician who could make himself disappear. He wanted to marry the fairy because he thought it would in­crease his magical powers.
'Good morning, Lovely One,' he called to the fairy.
Batu Sumang Buyung was so startled that she hid behind a tree. The clever magician ran to the river bank and stole her magic sarong.
'Oh,' she cried, 'please give it back. Otherwise I cannot go home to the sky.'
The magician laughed. 'So, Lovely One, you will have to stay with me.' He took the fairy back to his house, and forced her to marry him.
Some time later a son was born to the fairy and the magi­cian. The fairy asked Bayang to give her sarong back, for she wanted to take their son to visit his grandmother in the sky. But the cruel magician knew that if he did that, she would never come back to him. So he refused to let her go.
Batu Sumang Buyung and her son stayed in the village with the magician. Although the villagers hated her husband, they knew that the fairy was kind and gentle. She did many things to help whenever she could.
Now, the villagers had good reason to hate Bayang. Once he had made a clay figure and stuck pins into it. The next morning one of the village leaders died.
The villagers went to see another, good, magician in the forest. They asked the good magician to put a curse on Bayang, and a few weeks later Bayang died. They cut off his fingers be­fore he was buried, so that he could not do any more mischief.
At last Batu Sumang Buyung was alone with her son. She wanted to visit her family in the sky, so she put on her magic sarong and flew there.
Her mother, the queen of the fairies, was not pleased with Batu Sumang Buyung. 'You have stayed away for a long, long time,' the queen said, 'and now you bring with you a child of the Earth. You must go back to where you came from, and take him with you.'
And so, Batu Sumang Buyung and her small son returned to Earth. She was very sad, and soon after that she gave her sarong to the headman for safekeeping and disappeared. Before long, the villagers learned that the fairy had died. They cared for her son, and he soon grew tall and strong.
When Batu Sumang Buyung's son was grown up, the headman came to see him. He carried the sarong left with him by the fairy. 'This was your mother's,' he said. 'If you wear it, you will fly to the sky. Your mother thought you might like to visit your grandmother.'
Batu Sumang Buyung's son took the sarong. He put it on and immediately flew to the sky. His grandmother was no hap­pier to see him this time than she had been when he was a young child. Still, she gave him a gift in memory of his mother. The gift was a round brown seed.
The fairy's son thanked his grandmother and returned to his village. He planted the seed in the ground, and soon it grew into a tall tree.
When the tree bore fruit, he gave some to the villagers. They were very pleased. 'The outside of the fruit is hard and coarse, like your father,' they said. The flesh inside is soft and white, like your mother. And the milk is sweet and reminds us that you are Batu Sumang Buyung's son.'
Before long, people from all over came to buy the fruit. Batu Sumang Buyung's son became a rich man. Those who bought his fruit also took the seeds back to their own countries. And that is how the coconut came to grow all over the world.

The Legend Of Seagull
Once there was a young fisherman who live on Pulau Hantu. His home on the northern shore of the island was made of dried palm leaves, and he found it very comfortable. Though he was often lonely.
Each morning the young fisherman went fishing, and then he took his fish  to Singapore where he would sell them in the market. One morning when he was pulling in his nets, he heard someone crying. He looked down into the water and saw that he had caught a mermaid!
The young fisherman quickly pulled his net into the boat. “Let me go.” Cried the mermaid. “Let me go.”
The fisherman was too surprised to move. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I am on my way home to my father’s kingdom beneath the sea. I had stopped a moment to look at those island over there when you caught me.”
“Do you like the island?” asked the fisherman. “I live on one of them myself.”
“They are beautiful. But don’t you ever get lonely? There can’t be many smiled people on the island.”
The fisherman smiled. “Yes I do sometimes get lonely,” he said. “But my work keeps me busy,”
“Tell me about it.”
“Well, there isn’t much to tell. I catch fish, and then I sell them in the market. Then I take my boat and go home.”
“Do you always catch so many fish?” asked the mermaid. Looking at the many fish in the nets.
“Not always. In fact, some morning I don’t catch any.”
As the mermaid listened to the fisherman. She felt in love with him. Soon she wished to marry him and live with him on the island, and so, the mermaid and the fisherman were married.
They were very happy. She helped him by swimming ahead of his boat and telling him where the best fish were. She cooked for him and helped him repair his nets. The young fisherman was a good husband. He worked hard and soon he was able to buy a fine new boat.
One evening the mermaid said to the fisherman. “If you are ever lost at sea, I shall ask the gods to turn me into a bird. Then I shall fly all over the earth to look for you.”
“Don’t worry,” said the fisherman. “I’m sure nothing like that will happen.”
The fisherman was wrong. One day a terrible storm came to the sea near the island while he was out in his boat. The mermaid, who was at home, prayed that he would come home safely. She prayed and waited for several days, and she became very ill. “Gods of the sea and the earth,” she prayed. “change me into a bird,” soon she died, and the gods granted her wish; they changes her into a bird so she could look for her lost husband.
The young fisherman, meanwhile, was on another island where the sea had taken him during the storm. After the storm had passed, he returned home, but the mermaid was gone. He looked all over the island for her without success. Then he sat down to wait. The days of waiting turned into weeks and the weeks into years. The fisherman grew old and sad, waiting for his wife to come home.
Then one day a white seagull flew over the fisherman’s house. The seagull cried out, but the fisherman didn’t hear it because he was dreaming of his mermaid. A few hours later. He died.
When the fisherman died. The gods of the sea and the earth turned him into a seagull. He flew joy fully to his wife, and together they flew away.

 The Legend of Redhill
Once upon  time there were many swordfish in the sea near Singapore. These swordfish caushed a great deal of trouble. They flew into boats and sometimes killed fishermen. There were so many of these swordfish that the raja decided to kill them.
So the raja brought his army down to the sea to fight the swordfish. Many people came to watch the battle, and among them was a very clever little boy. The little boy watched the soldier in their uniform, their long swords shining in the sun. he thought to himself that he would like to be a soldier when he grew up.
When the captain gave the signal, the soldier stood in long line on the beach and waited for the swordfish to attack. Soon the swordfish came leaping and flying across the water. Wave after wave of then came. They noses, and many soldiers died.
Suddenly the little boy saw the raja sitting sadly beneath a tree. He ran to raja and said. “Please, Sir. I think I know how to stop the swordfish.”
“Do you. Indeed, little boy?” said the raja looking to cut at the boy’s bare feet and ragged clothes.
“Yes, Sir,” the boy said. “Tell the soldiers to take those banana trees over there. Then tie the trees together to make a wall to stop the fish.”
“That’s a wonderful idea,” said the raja. He turned to his captain. “Why didn’t you think of that, Captain? Tell your men to start at once.”
The captain looked angrily at the little boy before he told his men what to so. The soldiers cut the banana trees and tied them together with strong ropes. They used more ropes to pull the wall to the edge of the water. This time, when the swordfish came, they flew out of the water and their swords stuck in the wall of banana trees. They couldn’t move, and so it was easy for the soldiers to kill them.
“Well done, men.” Said the raja to the soldiers. “And thank you, little boy,” he said to the boy.
The little boy bowed to the raja and ran back to his home on the hill by the sea. The raja thoughtfully watched him go. That’s very clever child,” he said to the captain.
The captain was still angry because the boy had made him look stupid. “Perhaps, Sir, he is too clever. Clever little boy can grow into dangerous man.”
The raja thought about this, and the more he thought the more he worried. A few days later the captain came to see him again.
“Sir” he said. “I am worried about that little boy. He is too clever. Some day, he will make a lot of trouble for us.”
“You are right, Captain,” said the raja. “I think we should stop him now, before it’s too late.”
“Good,” said the captain. “I’ll take care of it tonight.”
That night the captain and some of his soldiers climbed the hill where the little boy lived. They quietly went into his house and killed him with their swords.
The little boy’s blood ran freely down the hill. Soon the whole hill had turned red, and it is red to this every day. When the people heard what raja’s captain had done, they named this place Redhill. And even now, they remember the story of the clever little boy who stopped the swordfish.

The legend of edelweiss

LONG ago, when the flowers first woke to life on this dear earth, each chose where it could live as it chose, too, the color of its petals. 
"I will cover the ground and make the bare soil gay with green blades," cried the grass.
"I will live in the fields and by roadsides," laughed the daisy.
"I, too," echoed the buttercup, the cornflower, the poppy, and the clover.
"Give me the ponds and the lakes," the water lily called.
"And let us have the streams and the marshes," begged the irises, cowslips, and Jacks-in-the-pulpit.
"We love the shaded, ferny woodland spots," lisped the shy forget-me-nots and wood-violets.
"And we wish to be petted in gardens," declared the rose, the pansies, the sweet williams, the holly hocks.
"I love the warm dry sun — I will go to the sandy desert," said the cactus. So all places except the bare ridges of high mountains were chosen. To these, no flower wished to go.
"There is not enough food there!" the daisy explained.
"There is not enough warmth! There is not enough food!" all decided. " It is so bare and chilly! Let the gray moss go and cover the rocks," they said. But the moss was loath to go.
"When one cannot live without moisture, warmth, nourishment — when one must have petting or live in a garden, surely the bleak places of the mountains must do without flowers! How foolish it would be to try to make the ragged, bare mountain-tops lovely! Let the gray moss go — he has not yet chosen!"
So the gray moss went up the high mountains because he was told to go. He climbed over the bare rocks beyond the places where forests ceased to grow. All was desolate and silent up there.
Up higher and higher crept the gray moss. It went even above the clouds where the ragged rocks were covered with ice and snow.
There it stopped short in amazement, for it found a quiet star-shaped flower clinging to the crags and blossoming! It was white like the snow around it, and its heart was of soft yellow. So cold was it up there that the little flower had cased its leaves in soft wool to keep warm and living in the bleakness.
"Oh!" cried the gray moss, stopping short. "How came you here where there was no warmth, no moisture, no nourishment? It is high above the forests, high above the clouds! I came because I was sent. Who are you?"
Then the little starry flower nodded in the chill wind. "I am the edelweiss," it said. "I came here quietly because there was need of me, that some blossom might brighten these solitudes."
"And didn't they tell you to come?"
"No," said the little flower. "It was because the mountains needed me. There are no flowers up here but me."
The edelweiss is closer to the stars than the daisy, the buttercup, the iris, or the rose. Those who have courage, like it, have found it high above the clouds, where it grows ever gladly. They call it Noble White — that is its name, edelweiss! Love, like the edelweiss, knows not self-sacrifice.

 The Legend of Lau Kawar Lake

It was a beautiful day. Everybody in the Kawar village was happy. The farmers had just had their best harvest. The villagers were planning to hold a party to celebrate the good harvest. On one beautiful day, all the villagers gathered in a field. They wore beautiful dresses and made delicious food. Everybody was having good times! They were singing, laughing and, of course, eating delicious food.
Did everyone go to the party? Unfortunately, there was one old woman still staying at her house. She was too old and weak to go to the party. Her son, her daughter-in-law, and her grandchildren all went to the party. At home, the old woman felt very sad and lonely. She was very hungry too. She tried to find some food in the kitchen, but she was very disappointed. Her daughter-in-law did not cook that day. At the party, the son asked her wife, “Why don’t you take some food from the party and give it to my mom? Ask our son to deliver it.” Then the little boy brought the food to her grandmother. The old woman was so happy. But her happiness turned into sadness when she saw the food was not in a good condition. It seemed that someone had eaten the food. She just got little rice and fish bones.
The old woman was very sad. She thought bad things about her son. The old woman did not know that it was her grandson who had eaten the food on the way from the party to the house. She cursed her son. Then, a terrible thing happened. There was a great earthquake! Thunders struck the village. And heavy rains started to fall. All the villagers were so scared. They wanted to save themselves. They tried to find shelters. Slowly, the field turned into a lake. The lake was getting bigger and bigger, and finally the whole village turned into a big lake. People then named the lake Lau Kawar.


 The Legend of the first monkey

Many years ago, there was a king and queen who lived in Mindanao. They were not liked by their people. The king was cruel and the queen was greedy.
The king collected a lot of money from his people and gave it to the queen. The queen bought expensive food, wine and clothes from all over the world and kept them in the palace.
One day, the king gave a party in the palace garden. There were six tables placed in the shade of some tall trees. Next to the trees, there was a large pond with goldfish in it.
Soon the guests arrived and everybody started eating and enjoying themselves. Suddenly, an old woman entered the garden. No one knew where she came from. She approached each table and begged for food. No one gave her any and the king told his guest to chase her away.
 “Your Majesty, please have pity on me! I am an old man. I haven’t eaten any food for several days.”
The queen, who was sitting next to the king became angry. “Go away, old woman!” she shouted. “Who asked you to come here? This party is for rich and important people.”
The king roared with laughter. He banged the table with spoon.
“Chase her away!” he cried. Everyone started beating her with their spoon. They chased the poor old woman all over the palace garden, suddenly, there was a great crash of thunder and a bright flash lightning. The old woman changed into a beautiful girl.
 “You are not human beings,” she said “You are all so cruel. None of you wanted to help me. Because of this, I shall changed you into monkeys.”
She clapped her hands. Immediately, the spoon turned into tails and fixed themselves on the backs of the king, queen and their guests. The beautiful clothes which they were wearing turned into long hair. Their fingers and toes grew longer. When they tried to speak, they could chatter only like monkeys.
They ran back to the palace but the king’s guards chased them away, and threw stones at them. “Go away, you dirty little things!” the guards shouted. “This is the king’ palace.
As they had nowhere to go. They hid in the forest and hills where they have ever since.

The legend of Maling Kundang

A long time ago, there was a fisherman living at Batang Arau. He several children but only one son. He gave his son the best possible education. He wanted him to do well and become famous.
When the boy had finished school, his father found a job for him on a large ship sailing to foreign countries. He realized that he would not see him again for many years. But he knew that his son was clever and hard-working and he hoped that his son might have the chance to become a ship’s officer.
The years passed. The fisherman’s daughters married and left home. The fisherman became old and died. His widow lived by herself.
One day, the villagers came running to the old woman to tell her that her son had returned. “I don’t believe you,” she said
“Yes,” they said, “He’s the captain of a ship which has just sailed into the harbor from Singapore. Come and see for yourself.”
The old woman put on her best clothes. She cooked some food to give her son. She remembered the food he liked best when he was a small boy.
She hired a rowing boat to take her out to the ship which was anchored in the harbour.
She saw a tall handsome man standing on the deck of the ship. It was her son! Even after all these years, there was no doubt about it.
 “Son,” she called out, “don’t you recognize me? I’m you mother,” Tears came to her eyes.
“Who are you?” he replied. “I don’t know you. Don’t let her come aboard,” he instructed his sailors.
 Next day, the old woman came again but her son refused to see her. On the third day, he told his sailors to drive her away. “Why does this old woman come to my ship?” he asked. “I don’t mind giving her a few cents but I don’t like her saying that she’s my mother,”
“Very well, my son,” the old woman said. “God will surely punish you for being so wicked. How can you refuse to recognize your own mother?” she gazed at him for a long time but he said nothing.
Suddenly, a huge black cloud covered the sun. it became as dark as night. The wind roared with a terrible noise. The sea became very rough and the waves beat against the side of the ship. The ship rocked to and fro. The mast came tumbling down with a great “Cra-a-a-ash”. The ship was driven like a coconut shell across the harbor. Before anyone could do anything about it. It turned over and sank. Then it rained so heavily that it was impossible to see more than a few yards. When the storm stopped, the old woman looked for the ship again. But there was nothing except a large rock sticking out through the water. Her son and his ship were never seen again.